Its starting to get cold out there at night and as a result, cats are on the prowl looking for nice warm cars to perch on. So your car is a potential victim of scratching and clawing, especially if its a soft top. First thing you will know about it is when thin swirl like scratches appear on the bonnet or roof or bumper. Cats will dig their claws into your car to prevent sliding off. The solution is to use a Voyager Car Cover from us here at CoverYourCar
Why? Because...
a) Cats hate the material and tend to avoid it, thus staying away.
b) The Material is triple layer cross weave type and wont puncture.
c) Cats find it difficult to get their claws through the material.
So protect your car from cats today with a Voyager Car Cover from us here at www.coveryourcar.co.uk