As summer draws to an end and the darker, colder, damper nights draw in, this is the time of year most with classic cars look at options for their pride and joy for the next 6 months.
If you are lucky enough to have a nice dry garage then you may be thinking about a nice indoor, curve hugging fleece cover but otherwise outdoor cover options are probably on your mind.
Your car, new or old will probably fall into one of the following topics.
a) Daily Drive Car : Cover going to be used for security during the darker nights ahead, and for those frosty early morning darts when the windscreen and car is iced up. Covers may sound like a good idea here but if your car is covered in dirt and grime and possibly rock salt then the last thing you will want to do after arriving home in the dark is wash it before covering it up, so probably not a good idea.
b) Car Stored in a Dry Garage : If you are lucky enough to have a nice dry garage then a nice fitted indoor fleece car cover will protect the car from dirt and dust and those accidental dings when brushing past the car. Ours are custom made to order, fit perfectly and are supplied to various official manufacturers. They come in a choice of almost any colour combination and have a soft, fleecy inner lining.
c) Car Stored in a Lockup or Damp Garage : If this is where your car is stored you need to think about security more than anything. With anti social behaviour and thefts currently at an all time high, your car being vandalised out of spite is a reality you probably don't want to think about. If the lockup garage is damp and the roof is metal then you will need to use an outdoor cover, breathable probably with one of our built in cover alarms you give you a fighting chance against thieves or vandals. Always cover the floor with plastic sheeting, this will stop damp rising. If the roof it metal then probably condensation will form on the inside at some point and drip onto the car. Something like a Wheel Clamp and Disklok also worth considering.

e) Car Stored Outside on The Highway : Again, always go for the best solution, It is illegal to park a covered car on the highway as a) your numberplates are hidden ( now used to check tax status etc by NNPR ) and also your reflectors are covered. Use a cover with Window Panels for the Numberplates and fit reflective stickers to the cover is required. Your rear numberplates should be reflective so visible through the various front and rear windows. Our Advan-Tex car covers are available with this option as well as a panel for a parking permit, which again can become an issue.
f) Car Stored in Storage Facility : If you make the decision to put your car in storage over winter, then depending on the quality of the facility, either a fleece cover ( if the facility is totally dry and not damp ) or a lightweight indoor / outdoor cover would be the best solution. The fit is not as important if its indoors as it wont be open to the elements but security may be. Fitting a locking cable and underbody straps will stop people from looking under it, even the Car Cover Alarm option is worth considering but inform the owners its there and in effect before hand. Make sure you get the postcode of the facility the car is being stored and check it with your insurance company you are still covered as some will not honour any agreed values if stored on commercial properties or worst case cover you at all if the postcode is high risk.

h) Car Stored Overseas in a Hot Climate : If your car is outdoors overseas in a hot climate, and doesnt have to cope with the bad weather and winter ahead then UV will be the main issue as well as peace of mind the cover will stay on the car if being left unattended for months on end. Using one of our PLUS covers will do the job, with a unique 360 degree hemline tension skirt, not only do you have the straps to keep the cover on the car, you also have complete tension around the entire under belly of the car. Add one of our alarms for complete peace of mind.
We think we have covered most of the various options, different car cover solutions for different situations ahead over winter. Even if you have a new car on PCP or Leave contract, its worth protecting it as no doubt there will be a penalty clause in the contact if there is damage to the car after the term.
Call us on 01744 633985 for any advise you may need in selecting the perfect cover for your situation or visit our website at
Established 2005.